With the release of the second Twilight movie and the craze about which side you choose Team Edward or Team Jacob. I started thinking about another movie, Underworld, and two of the games biggest stars Kobe and Lebron and how it's all relative. We start off with the epic battle vampire v.s. werewolf. The vampire which mainly relies on deception and cunning to seduce it's victims is played by Kobe. Many times the vampire uses the element of surprise to get close enough to its prey to kill. When facing tougher adversaries, like the werewolf, it uses a full arsenal of deadly weapons. In the case of Kobe this would be the lighting fast first step, the ankle breaking crossover, almost always followed by the quick release jumper that leaves many spellbound and defeated not to mention completely drained. The werewolf , represented by King James, in human form can be quite charming, almost seductive, and not too physically imposing but once transformed all that is out the window. Equipped with a deadly combination of speed and strength Lebron our King of the Lycans only needs to use one maybe two moves to destroy any opponent, the crossover dribble is usually his weapon of choice. But in true werewolf fashion he prefers to get his hands a little dirty and will go through anyone in his path. When he explodes towards the rim he rips defenders apart with devastating force. There isn't much in this world that can save you from his fury. The smart ones turn tail and run those that choose to stay end up as scattered victims of his merciless slaughter. So who's game do you pattern yours after, which player do you think is better, and what side will you choose? The battle continues for another season be sure to tune in and check these two out.
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